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Category Archives: Pregnancy

Blog Rainbow Baby A Special Kind Of Love

Rainbow Baby: A Special Kind Of Love

Last week a couple from Arizona shared a unique photograph of their Rainbow Baby. The picture has gone viral and is helping create awareness around the difficulties some mothers suffer. After several years of IVF and 3 miscarriages they were finally blessed with their little girl. They wanted a picture that would reflect the journey […]

Things Dad Should Know After Birth Featured

10+ Things Dad Should Know After Birth

I am the proud father of one bouncing newborn baby boy! This is my first blog post so hopefully you will enjoy it and I would love to hear your feedback, any comments would be greatly appreciated. Here I am going to give you some advice of being a father, the following contains 10+ things […]

Blog Birth Plan Vs Reality

Birth Plan Vs Reality

Our Newest Member Of The Cramond Clan! We are over the moon (poor pun) to announce that our little chicken has arrived safely and almost to plan. A birth plan must be used as a guideline, not a bible. Births are uncontrollable and unpredictable so you must approach with an open mind. I had a […]

Blog 5 Reasons I Want To Breastfeed

5 Reasons I Want To Breastfeed

There is a lot of information out there about breastfeeding. Some of it very contradicting. I am a strong believer that being over-informed is not beneficial. Each baby has different needs and each Health Visitor/Midwife/Doctor will give you different advice. I think we need to follow our instinct and learn the specific needs of our […]

Blog 6 Tips & Tricks To Help Labour

6 Tips & Tricks To Help Labour

Our due date is the 31st of May, but we are fairly certain our little chicken is going to come a bit late. Due dates are a funny thing because there is an open window of approximately 5 weeks around that date in which baby can come. The issue we have is that my mother […]

Blog How I Packed My Hostpital Bag

How I Packed My Hospital Bag In 3 Steps

My husband has been panicking for the last 3 weeks over the hospital bag. I must confess I am an ‘I’ll do that tomorrow’ kind of person. He needs everything organised and if possible a checklist to make sure nothing gets forgotten. There are many lists of what to pack, including those that like to […]

Blog Pain Relief During Labour

Pain Relief During Labour

This can be a touchy subject. There is so much expected from women that we are most likely doomed to make the wrong decision. Society expects us to be perfect, but also is quick to criticise every move we make. I feel that if we decide to embrace pain relief we will be seen as […]

Blog Baby Coming Home Outfit

Baby’s Coming Home Outfit

As a first-time mum there are many things I need to learn about having a baby. I have had a very easy pregnancy so far. No morning sickness, no heartburn, no SPD, no cravings nor adversity to smells. Some people say that women that have had easy pregnancies will have difficult labours. I am hoping […]

Blog Scotland Baby Box

Scotland’s Baby Box

For those that do not know about it, this is a welcome box offered to all babies born in Scotland. The box itself is a place for your wee one to sleep in from birth. It includes a great number of baby basics that you will need during the first couple of months. I am […]