Cover Your Eyes Baby Grow
Nobody would consider sitting in a restaurant and putting a cover over themselves in order to eat. Why would this have to be any different for babies? Breastfeeding is not about a woman wanting to expose her breasts, but about a mother feeding her child.
One of the many benefits of breastfeeding is the bond it creates between mother and baby. A newborn can see as far as 20-30 centimetres. This happens to be the distance between your face and your baby’s while he/she is feeding. Mother Nature ensures your baby can see your face while feeding because this an important bonding moment. A cover would get in the way of this eye contact.
American author David Allen once quoted: “My opinion is that anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.” With this cover your eyes baby grow design we want to support that anyone offended by a breastfeeding should consider covering their eyes instead of staring so hard.
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