Before our little chicken was born I thought long and hard about baby classes. We want to give him all the tools he needs to develop the skills he will need in life. I am still a bit wary about introducing them too soon and overwhelming him. We have attended a couple of classes, some more successful than others. Here is our experience with baby classes.

Edinburgh Baby Massage
Massaging your baby is very beneficial for both of you. It helps create a strong bond and provides some quality time to spend with your wee one. Take your time to look into his eyes and talk to him or sing a song.
It can help soothe and release tensions, helping your baby sleep better. This will help you sleep better too! Also, through massaging your baby you help him gain awareness of his body.
Little chicken and I attended a baby massage class at Bodyworks Edinburgh. My little boy did not enjoy the experience. He cried through the whole thing. He was only 8 weeks at the time, so I think it was just too soon for him. We will try again now that he is a bit older.

Baby Music
Exposing babies to music will teach them sense of rhythm. This will help them develop language and motor skills. Music can also help calm and soothe your baby. We play some baby Mozart music during bath time. This way he settles and gets ready for bed.
I was really excited to start music class. I enrolled my boy in a baby level (0 to 12 months) with the Portobello Music School. The first day of class we were the only ones enrolled! The following week no more babies had signed for this class, so the school had to cancel the term. I really hope the spring term is more successful.

Sensory Class
Baby sensory class is aimed at activating your baby’s senses. Different textures, colours & sounds are offered to make the wee ones experience new sensations. This will make them use different parts of their brain and will help them develop and learn.
We went to a sensory disco class at Joy Tots.There is a maximum of 10 babies per class. We started sitting in a circle on the floor. In the middle there was a small pit of balls. A disco light illuminated the room with an array of colours. There were different toys available and from time to time someone would introduce something new such as foil blankets, bubbles and pompoms.
Our little boy was a bit overwhelmed by it all. He was watching everything and everyone, but when I tried laying him on the floor he would cry. He just wanted to be held close to me. It was the first time we attended a class with so many babies. Maybe next time he will relax and enjoy.

Sing And Sign
We have not tried sing and sign yet. We are currently on a wait list to start in January.
Sing and sign is interesting because it gives your baby the chance to communicate before he can talk. This can reduce stress and frustration. Through sign language your wee one can let you know what he wants.
I am looking forward to starting this. In January our little chicken will be 7 months old. We will have started weaning by then. I feel that learning how to sign will be very beneficial for both of us as he learns about food and we will be able to communicate easier.
Grow (Short Sleeve)
Clothing Type
Grows (Short Sleeve)
Grows (Short Sleeve)
Grows (Short Sleeve)
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